Podcasts Are One Of the Greatest Ways To expand your reach!
Getting on podcasts as a guest is a great way to get in front of your target audience. And it takes way less effort than guest blogging. But most producers and hosts are picky about who they’ll have on their show. They only want guests who they think their listeners will enjoy. So if your pitch doesn’t stand out, it’s going to get buried with all the rest.
Getting booked as a guest expert on podcast shows may also be the single most powerful form of CONTENT MARKETING you can do for your business in today’s world. Not only are you able to have an interview ask you important and pertinent questions, you are able to showcase your business, elevate your name in your local community as well as reach a broader base. Podcasts have grown astronomically over the years and is a great addition to your social media, website design , SEO, and content marketing strategies. Share rich media, soundbites, video, images, teasers, evergreen — anything you can think of when participating in a podcast.